Pakistan’s inaugural climate governance report has just been released, in partnership with Climate Finance Pakistan and Transparency International Pakistan.
The report stands as the most comprehensive data-driven examination of Pakistan’s climate finance inflows/budgeting. It also stands as the first audit of Pakistan’s climate governance landscape, providing critical suggestions to the cash-strapped government.
Key highlights of the Climate Governance report include:
Full Summary on Climate Finance & Governance in Pakistan: Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of Pakistan’s current climate finance landscape through easily digestible data and intuitive visualizations.
Exploration of Best Practices: The report delves into a diverse range of strategies adopted by governments worldwide to enhance internal accountability and reporting mechanisms, thereby optimizing the utilization of climate finance.
Action Plan for Governments: A practical, step-by-step roadmap is provided for Pakistani policymakers, offering guidance on integrating best practices into government frameworks effectively.
Pakistan loses $4 billion annually due to climate change. Although it is in the top ten countries most affected by climate change, it is not among the top ten recipients of climate finance.
Pakistan loses $4 billion annually due to climate change
Commenting on the significance of the report, Dawar Hameed Butt, lead author and Head of Research at Climate Finance Pakistan, stated, “Pakistan needs $340 billion by 2030 to fight climate change. Our report provides concrete recommendations on how to remove the biggest barrier in accessing climate finance; weak government systems.”
The report further notes that while clear climate change mitigation and adaptation targets are set, limited
progress has been made in establishing a suitable and well-integrated climate finance regime in Pakistan
that can allow effective access to financial resources. The report notes that the Climate Change institutions as set under the Climate Change Act 2017 need to be operationalized and empowered and be the primary drivers of integrating climate in governance, both horizontally and vertical, across the federal and provincial governments.
Mr. Kashif Ali, Executive Director TI Pakistan highlighted that “Due to the cross-cutting nature of climate
governance, it is important that a whole-of-society approach is taken in policy design, and a whole-of-government approach taken into consideration for administration, with the legally mandated Climate
Change institutions leading in both fronts. To improve climate governance in a long-lasting manner, the
report recommends it should be integrated into national development plans (such as the long-term plans
prepared by the Planning Commission). This integration will gradually allow uptake of climate governance
priorities within the whole public sector and align it with adaptation and mitigation goals set by the federal government.”
As Pakistan continues its commitment to combating climate change, initiatives such as this report play a pivotal role in guiding policy decisions and fostering sustainable development nationwide.
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